If you are looking for Indian baby girl names, below is a Hindu and Sanskrit girls' name list for your reference: Baby Girl Names inspired by Bollywood Movies and Celebrities Are you a movie buff looking for some modern baby girl names? Here is list with thenames of your favourite celebrit...
We saw Viṣṇu's beautiful wife Lakṣmī—who is also called Padmā or "Lotus"—caressing her Lord's foot as he sleeps for an "aeon" (kalpa). She sometimes appears in paintings standing on a pink lotus that floats on the waters of Creation.8 Buddhism would not be outdone in ...
AahaladitaBubbling with delight AahanaFirst rays of the sun AaheliPure AahnaExist AainaMirror AaishaLife AakaankshaWish or desire AakakshaDesire AakritiShape AaliaExalted, Highest social standing AaliyaHigh, Tall, Towering, Excellent AalokaLustrous ...
With 27 marble lotus petals, the Baháʼí Temple is constructed to look like a half-open lotus flower. The marble used to build the temple is from Greece, and it took over 800 engineers to build the temple. The Baháʼí Temple has 9 surrounding ponds, is approximately 40 m tall,...
According to theCitra-sutras, there are six types of measurement (mana) to be taken along the body of an image.These kinds of measurements constitute the six kinds of iconometric measurement as applied to standing, seated and reclining images. ...
Pratiti Faith; undrstanding Pratul Plenty Praval Fierce, strong Pravan To conquer Pravar Most excellent Pravek Most excellent Praver Chief Praveen Expert; experienced Pravin Skilled Pravir Brave Prayag Confluence Prayan Supreme Intelligent/td> Prem Love Premendra Lover Pritam Beloved Prithu A king ...
Samdrup, an official with the Standing Committee of the Tibet Regional People's Congress A child gets an eye test at a juvenile visual protection base in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, on January 28. It is the first non- profit juvenile visual protection base in the city and it aims to help ...
The State emblem is an adaptation from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. In the original, there are four lions, standing back to back, mounted on an abacus with a frieze carrying sculptures in high relief of an elephant, a galloping horse, a bull and a lion separated by intervening whee...
Udghattita (standing on the forepart of the feet and then touching the ground with the heels); which, is applied in the execution of the Udghattita Karanas, both in the slow (vilamba) and fast (Dhruta) tempos (Kala)Sama (feet naturally placed on an even ground); where the feet ...
1932) and lived in India for the remaining seventeen years of his short life. While in India, he wandered the country living off of what others would give him in the form of food and lodging. Thompson was not interested in finding a guru; but he came into close contact with various lum...