The Indian Stamp Act No. II, of 1899 With Notes Showing the Difference Between the Old Act and the New Act, All New or Modified Provisions Being Printed in Italics by D. E. Cranenburgh Buy PDF$9.50 Read Now Paperback Premium Hardcover...
RULES UNDER THE INDIAN STAMP ACT, 1899 CHAPTER I PRELIMINARYnot less than 8-/5/8 inches long and 5 1/8 inches wide and no plain paper shall bejoined thereto.Stamp Rules
1957 MA London, LSE The population of Chota Nagpur H P DEVI Prof L D Stamp 1957 MSc London, LSE Small scale and cottage industries as a means of providing better opportunities for labour in India Q H FAROOQUEE Prof A Plant; Mr Foldes 1957 PhD London, LSE Fiscal policy and inflation in...
1951 PhD Cambridge The interpretation of legislative powers under the Government of India Act, 1935 S D SHARMA 1951 BLitt Oxford, St Cath’s Society Religion and society among some of the tribes of Chota Nagpur H N C STEVENSON 1951 London, SOAS The political development of Burma during the ...
Indian Stamp Act and its growth and Importance in the society and its chargeabilityApurba Ghosh
Introduction of Indian stamp actkavksatyanarayana
Mutiny, any overt act of defiance or attack upon military authority by two or more persons subject to such authority. Mutiny should be distinguished from revolt or rebellion, which involve a more widespread defiance and which generally have a political o