According to ISRO, the LVM3-M2 mission is a dedicated commercial mission for a foreign customer OneWeb, through New Space India Limited (NSIL)."It is the first multi-satellite mission with 36 OneWeb Satellites to the low Earth orbit (LEO) as the heaviest payload mass of 5,796 kg of LVM...
Thus, together they double the FSS capability at this location simulating a large "virtual" satellite. This large capacity enables network connectivities to be made with relatively small spacecraft. The advantages of this concept, such as avoidance of a large, mostly idle spare spacecraft, ...
Government. Further, in the year 1969, the Indian Space Research Organization was set up and today, it is known as, one of the largest space agencies in the whole wide world. The first satellite by India was Aryabhata in the year 1975. The satellite was named after the renowned Indian ...
Its space program has already helped develop satellite, communication and remote-sensing technologies. 它的太空计划已经帮助发展了卫星、通信和遥感技术。 And it has been used to measure underground water levels and predict weather in the country. 它还被用来测量地下水位和预测该国的天气。 "This is a...
Keywords: Indian Space Research Organisation, Defence Research and Development Organisation, Newton's laws of motion, Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, Missile, 2nd Millennium, 3rd Millennium Cite this Article Subhadeep Mukhopadhyay. Report on the Indian-Space-Programmes with Indian-Missile-Programmes from ...
Space: Indian rocket down but not out 喜欢 0 阅读量: 22 作者: G Nandan 摘要: India's ambition to use its indigenous satellite launch-vehicle programme for economic gain has received a temporary setback. The first flight of the Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) on September 20 ...
ISRO launches EOS-01 in November 2020 from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, and its 41st communication satellite GSAT-30 on January 17, 2020, from Kourou launch base, French Guiana. Read to know more about the Indian satellites and download the PDF of the
India has scheduled up to four space launches in the next year, including two crucial tests of the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, a medium-class rocket envisioned as the cornerstone of Indian ambitions for fully independent access to space. ...
Five day mean Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) data from June 1974 to May 1988 (14 yr period) derived from the NOAA polar satellite are analysed to determine objectively the onset and withdrawal dates of the southwest monsoon over 7 selected regions of the Indian sub-continent and the adjoinin...
"We have written to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chief and asked him if he could help us in mapping the event participation across the country using their satellite," the ministry's special secretary Rajesh Kotecha was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times newspaper. ...