Before calculating your tax liability, you must know which tax slab you fall under. Your salary is a cumulative form of many components such as Gross salary, Provident Fund, Leave pay, Insurance, Employee State insurance,Gratuity, and Labour Welfare Fund. You must need to submit all the inves...
mutual funds. While the long-term gains on debt mutual funds are taxed at 20% with indexation and 10% without indexation, the short-term gains are added to the individual’s salary and taxed in accordance with his/herincome tax slab. Indexation decreases gains and increases the purchase cost...
If an employee falls under the income tax slab then he/she is liable of TDS deduction. The minimum annual income (salary) must be more than Rs. 2,50,000/- or Rs. 3,00,000/- accordingly For more tax or TDS related issues, ask an expert ...