1. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. 2. Click Insert > Module, and paste the following code in the Module Window. VBA code: Convert numbers to words in rupees Public Function RupeeFormat(SNum As String) 'Updateby Extendoffice Dim xD...
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the currency and press the "convert" button. To show Indian Rupees and just one other currency click on any other currency. The Indian Rupee is the currency in India (IN, IND). The symbol for INR can be written Rs, and IR...
“Path of the Indian Rupee 1947-1993″ (1993) https://independentindian.com/1993/06/01/path-of-the-indian-rupee-1947-1993/ “Our Policy Process” (2007) https://independentindian.com/2007/02/20/our-policy-process-self-styled-planners-have-controlled-indias-paper-money-for-decades/ “Indian...
“Path of the Indian Rupee 1947-1993″ (1993) https://independentindian.com/1993/06/01/path-of-the-indian-rupee-1947-1993/ “Our Policy Process” (2007) https://independentindian.com/2007/02/20/our-policy-process-self-styled-planners-have-controlled-indias-paper-money-for-decades/ “Indian...
India’s money and public finances would have acquired integrity enough for the Indian Rupee to have become a hard currency of the world economy by now, allowing all one billion Indians access to foreign exchange and precious metals freely, whereas by the model of Dr Singh and his countless ...
If anything, the Government and RBI’s priority should have been to free the Rupee so any Indian could hold gold or forex at his/her local bank. India’s vast sterling balances after the Second World War vanished quickly within a few years, and the country plunged into decades of balance...
The other relic has been the Indian rupee becoming inconvertible as a world money ever since import quotas were imposed across the Sterling Area in 1940-1942. Lack of convertibility has made all government finance in India unlike that in modern Western economies. US government bonds are held free...