The study addressed biological inventory and monitoring mandates in accordance with the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act. Data were pooled and analyzed for all sites to determine abundances, seasonal patterns, diversity, and frequency of occurrence by year and month for all species. ...
system throughput (17,132.33 tons km−2year−1), low ascendency (19,610 tons km−2year−1), high relative ascendency (47.8%), moderate connectance (0.36), and omnivory indices (0.26). The health indices: eco-exergy index (21,471.33 gm detritus equivalent m−2) and system robustn...
A low-pressure gas stripper in the high-voltage terminal at the centre of the accelerator dissociates the 4 MeV molecular ions and removes outer electrons from the atom species. The positively charged atoms were then again accelerated and Am5+ (Pu5+) ions of energy ~24 MeV selected by...