The recent clarifications on FDI in multi brand retailing provide an opportunity to position Indian retail as a global destination. Easier access to credit, effective supply chain systems, supportive regulatory environment providing red carpet for Foreign retailers to India. On the other side internet ...
The Indian Retail Industry has come forth as one of the most dynamic and fast paced industries with several players entering the market. Retail sector is one of India's fastest growing sectors with a 5 % compounded annual growth rate.
Growth and Development in Retailing: An Empirical Study in Indian ContextRetail has becoming the fastest growing industry in rural based developing indian economy. Now, traditional retailing is shifting to organized retail. Supermarkets, malls etc are the outcome of organized indian retail sector. ...
Indian Retail IndustryMulti-brand RetailThe Indian retail industry is termed as a sunrise sector with huge growth potential. According to the Investment Commission of India, the retail sector is expecSantra, ShreyasSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Abstract The growth of the e-commerce industry in India has seen a multitude of growth since the growth of netizens in India has reached its peak post the demonetization in Indian economy. Research in e-commerce acts as a catalyst for studies in the field of digital innovation. The developmen...
Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Retail Sector Indian retail industry is one of the sunrise sectors with huge growth potential. The FDI in retail sector would definitely be a mixed blessing for domestic retailers. Even though this new reform is expected to have adverse impact on the ... P...
This paper deals with the proposal of the Government of India to permit 51% Foreign Direct investment in Indian Multi Brand Retail (MBR) industry and its perceived effect on Indian economy. Important arguments made in favour and against the proposal have been listed out in length to understand ...
Growth in the Indian retail industry in the last decade has attracted interest from both academicians and retail practitioners. Earlier research has discussed the impact of organized retailing on the future of small retail stores. It is understood that economic factors like rising income, consumption...
It’s no surprise then, that while the ecommerce industry took time to develop and wait for more people to get online — presently more internet users than the US — the business sector is experiencing never-before-seen growth.To get an idea of just ...
It’s no surprise then, that while the ecommerce industry took time to develop and wait for more people to get online — presently more internet users than the US — the business sector is experiencing never-before-seen growth. Click here to talk with ...