Other amenities at this Chesterton, Indiana hotel include a complimentary hot breakfast each morning, a large indoor swimming pool, and an on-site fitness center. If you’re looking for an amazing location, unbeatable amenities, and affordable rates make a reservation at the Best Western Indian...
从 Chesterton 酒店前往圣母大学和瓦尔帕莱索大学的交通也很便捷。 商务旅客特别钟情于此处的现场商业服务。Best Western Indian Oak 以优惠的价格提供无与伦比的舒适服务。 酒店宽敞的客房很多配有令人惊叹的湖景,同时包括有线和卫星电视,以及高速互联网接入。 Chesterton 的其它服务设施包括每天热腾腾的免费早饭、大型...
Book your stay at the Best Western Indian Oak hotel in Chesterton, IN. Easy access to Lake Michigan and Chicago. Free Wi-Fi and breakfast. Lowest rates at bestwestern.com