获取印度数据,仅需$199 Indian Potash Limited, 提单记录 获取进口商完整的进口记录 更新:2024-09-27 概述 提单记录 供应商 关于 全部提单记录 112 数据范围 付费会员可见 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 3年 所有 2007-01-02 - 2024-11-18 2007-01-02到2024-11-18之间的所有提单记录 ...
Inferred Jurisdiction India Business Registry Name RA999999 Business Registry Identifier Not supplied! Search OpenCorporates forINDIAN POTASH LIMITED STAFF PROVIDENT FUND Go Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) details Registered By Legal Entity Identifier India Ltd ...
At the time of sowing, one-third of the recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) in the form of urea, 60 kg P2O5 ha−1 in the form of diammonium phosphate, and 40 kg K2O ha−1through muriate of potash were applied as a basal dose. These fertilizer recommendations for wheat are given by...
At the time of sowing, one-third of the recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) in the form of urea, 60 kg P2O5 ha−1 in the form of diammonium phosphate, and 40 kg K2O ha−1through muriate of potash were applied as a basal dose. These fertilizer recommendations for wheat are given by...
Trade opportunities are rich: India prizes uranium, lentils and potash from Saskatchewan. Advertisement 6 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.Article content “Canada is the closest to India in the Western world,” he said. “The fact ...