IndiaPostis bringing out a series of postage stamps to heraldINDIPEX 2011–World Philatelic Exhibitionto be held inNew Delhifrom 12thto 18thFeb. 2011. The 1stset of six stamps is onpostal heritage buildings. DELHI GPOis among the very few buildings ofIndiaPost which has been given the status...
We sell Indian Feudatory States stamps & collections - weekly auctions for rare & collectable stamps
Pandey, Postmaster General, India Post, enthusiastically spoke about her association with India ITME Society since the 40thYear program. Her scintillating presentation articulating the golden history of Indian culture & textiles encaptured in the postal stamps was unique & valuable, yet least known to ...
The museum, which also provides detail on the famous Mauritius “Post Office” stamps, features displays of commemorative stamps and other postal paraphernalia. The Photographic Museum A visit to the Photographic museum in Port Louis was one of the highlights of Mauritius. Located in downtown Port...
On his 67th birthday on 23 January 1964, India commemorated Bose with a pair of postage stamps. The commemorative booklet printed by the Indian Post and Telegraphs Department depicts the stamps and quotes Gandhi: Netaji was like a son to me. I came to know him as a lieutenant full of ...
The death penalty for irtidad has implications of a far-reaching character and stamps Islam as a religion of fanatics, which punishes all independent thinking. The Qur’an again and again lays emphasis on reason and thought, advises toleration and preaches against compulsion in religious matters ...
A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed. Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left, fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and ...
Experimental, sometimes surreal in form, they nevertheless concern people who are very real-a color-blind young boy who watches planes in flight and imagines color; a shy stamp collector who speculates that he and his friend, like the stamps, could go anywhere via the U.S. Post Office; ...
The death penalty for irtidad has implications of a far-reaching character and stamps Islam as a religion of fanatics, which punishes all independent thinking. The Qur’an again and again lays emphasis on reason and thought, advises toleration and preaches against compulsion in religious matters ...
He accidentally inscribed the words "Post office" instead of "Post paid" on the several hundred stamps that he printed. Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left—— fourteen One-Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two-penny Blues. Because of the Two-penny Blues' rareness ...