Days after the article appeared there were press reports Dr Singh was murmuring about quitting, and then came a fierce speech in Hindi from the Congress President saying “enemies” would receive their dues or whatever – only to be retracted a few days later saying that no more had been mea...
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What are the features and characteristics of Indian Wildlife Ass? Know the habitat and status of Indian Wildlife Ass. Get details about the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary. Download notes PDF and prepare for UPSC 2022
First Notes on Probability December 14, 2021 On the Simplest Smallest Most Universal Direct #FlatTax of 500 Rupees per annum for India — accruing to the States, with a BPL exemption too December 1, 2021 Foundations of Pakistan’s Political Economy: Towards an Agenda for the 1990s, edited...
When is the Indian Army Day celebrated? Why is January 15th observed as Army Day? Read on to know the key facts, significance and history behind this day, download notes PDF and prepare for UPSC 2024
Important summits in the USA, Russia, Copenhagen can be attended by the Prime Minister of India as he is not a Member of the Lok Sabha December 7, 2009 — drsubrotoroy Subroto Roy notes that since Dr Manmohan Singh is the first Indian Prime Minister ever to have chosen with deliberation...
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Viz Posted in Academic economics, Academic research, Afghanistan, Balochistan, Bangladesh, Britain in India, British foreign policy, British imperialism, Gover...
I am currently studying in the final year of Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree. I have keen interest in Answering IPS exams. So I am little unaware about the reference books for preparing at the preliminary examination of IPS. Can you please suggest some reference books/notes or the sites...
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