Watch with Prime "Indian Police Force” is an action packed series that follows the harrowing journey of Delhi Police Officer Kabir Malik as he battles an insidious adversary, Zarar, who has chosen the path of terrorism. This cop drama unfolds a thrilling chase, capturing the relentless pursuit...
A man was suspected of stealing a cell phone. Now, in order to force him to surrender, police brought his sister to police station, which was basically illegal detention of a woman who had nothing to do with her relative's actions. She got traumatized and consumed poison, had to be rush...
instruct brand-new recruits in the drill, parade, weapon handling, etc. iaf police and security to patrol the iaf and carry out the necessary investigations. meteorological assistant conducts weather observations and preserves daily logs. faqs on air force salary q1 what is the air force salary ...
UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was killed in shooting outside Hilton Midtown in a brazen, targeted attack. A video shows a suspect firing shots at him multiple times, the motive of which remains unclear. The suspect fled on foot, then on an e-bike, police said. Brian Thompson was sho...
A popular crime reporting app called HawkEye, launched by the Telangana police, alsosuffered a cyberattackin June this year. Similar to the Signzy case, hackers uploaded the sensitive data of users to online hacking forums. Crypto platform WazirX also suffered acyberattackfrom North Korean hackers...
Watch the video here: Also Read: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)has announcedthe composition of the committee to develop a Framework for Responsible and Ethical Enablement of Artificial Intelligence (FREE-AI) in the Financial Sector, on December 26. ...
In 2024, we will get to watch Fahadh Faasil in the films scheduled, including Aavesham, in which he plays the lead. Directed by Jithu Madhavan, Faasil plays a local gangster that is reportedly a spin-off from a cameo character in Madhavan’s hit 2023 comedy-horror film Romancham (Goosebu...
Police uncovered the murder when a teacher at Dhillon’s daughter’s school informed them about the daughter complaining about her father threatening to kill her and “cut her into pieces”. When police arrived at her home, Dhillon’s daughter informed them about her son’s murder and the fac...
they are in. Just google it nigga I don't got the time to explain. But yeah, watch the fucking video and you will see what I mean. Life goes on, and this was a really hot scene shot in a cheesy hotel bathroom on a hot summer day. But it turned out to be a great fucking ...
but in the course of the alleged plot he said he was employed by the Indian government as a “senior field officer” with responsibilities in “security management” and “intelligence.” He said he had previously served in the Central Reserve Police Force, a national armed security force under...