Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API) certified that macroscopic (shape and taste of fruits) and microscopic (nature of pericarp, mesocarp and vascular bundles of fruits) characteristics of Amala were equivalent with the specified standards (http://www.ayurveda.hu/api/API-Vol-1.pdf)56. Ayurvedic...
PHARMACOPOEIASHYPERTENSIONSYMPTOMSDRUG developmentCARDIOVASCULAR diseasesPLANT metabolitesHypertension is a significant public health problem worldwide. Nearly two-thirds of all hypertensive patients live in developing and under-developed countries, creating a considerable burden of hypertension. In...
Pharmacopoeia [24]. The experimental group was also conscious of the sustainability of the materials used in the test and the ongoing sustainability of the supply. The recent availability of Indian sandalwood was from reputable suppliers who grew the product sustainably in Northern Australia, ...
Snakebite ethnopharmacopoeia of eastern Nicaragua. J. Ethnopharmacol. 2005, 96, 303–323. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Soares, A.M.; Ticli, F.K.; Marcussi, S.; Lourenco, M.V.; Januario, A.H.; Sampaio, S.V.; Giglio, J.R.; Lomonte, B.; Pereira, P.S. Medicinal plants with ...