Indian National ArmyLahore ResolutionIndependence of IndiaRise of Indian nationalismGandhi arrives in IndiaThe Rowlatt ActAlphascript PublishingIndian independence movement, 59Wikipedia. Indian Independence Movement, 2014., accessed Mar., 2014...
The National Indian Brotherhood Trust Fund launched The movement would eventually lead to the creation of the Assembly of First Nations (then called the National Indian Brotherhood), and would eventually reject the White Paper as a "solution" imposed on people who were still seen as problems. Col...
The level of success of Japan, despite its relative decline, might still be thought to justify the Japanese view of themselves as having a unique, or at least special, "national essence," 國体, Kokutai, certainly of the first order of geopolitical importance, giving us some motivation for the...
Seated second to the left of the Governor is Surendranath Banerjee, the eminent leader of the Indian National Congress (and mentor of GK Gokhale and other “moderates” in the national movement); he and Surendranath Roy were friends and political colleagues. Posted in Asia and the West, Bengal...
(redirected fromIndian Congress party) Encyclopedia Indian National Congress n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the official name forCongress3 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011...
Despite continuing complaints by scientists, astrology is still, as of 2014, taught at various universities in India,and there is a movement in progress to establish a national Vedic University to teach astrology together with the study of tantra, mantra, and yoga. Elements There are sixteen ...
44.4. It is a task, which the government alone cannot handle well; several institutions, Universities as also traditional artists need to take part in this endeavour. I wish we had a sort of National Project for Conservation of Wall Paintings, which would comprehensively address the issues of ...
The themes of Mother, motherland and motherhood have combined to form a new movement in many African countries called motherism. Body, Desire and Sexuality Bessie Head and African American poets look at how the woman's body becomes the site of patriarchal and colonial oppression: An important ...
–The economic integration of is a consequence of its political integration. They act in a mutually reinforcing loop. The greater the movement of goods and capital and people across India, the greater the sense that this is, after all, one country ...
Indian National Congress Indian occupied Kashmir Indian Ocean Indian ox Indian paint Indian paintbrush Indian paper Indian pea Indian peaches Indian physic Indian pink Indian pipe Indian plantain Indian poke Indian pony Indian potato Indian pudding Indian purple Indian python Indian race Indian rat snake...