History of India and Indian National Movement Indian Independence Act 1947: A landmark in the Indian freedom struggle Indo-Greek Kingdom August Offer: A breakpoint in India’s freedom struggle Cities of Delhi History of Indian Judiciary
Seated second to the left of the Governor is Surendranath Banerjee, the eminent leader of the Indian National Congress (and mentor of GK Gokhale and other “moderates” in the national movement); he and Surendranath Roy were friends and political colleagues. Posted in Asia and the West, Bengal...
The National Council is Switzerland’s “house of representatives”. The 200 members are chosen every four years according to a refined proportional representation system in principle, but since every canton forms a constituency and cantons have extremely different numbers...
Capitalist Planning? The "Bombay Plan" as Contribution to Economic Debates Within the Indian National Movement, 1927-1945 Merchants, Traders, Entrepreneurs: Indian Business in the Colonial Era. ByMarkovitsClaude. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. x + 292 pp. Tables, notes, index. Cloth, $...
Notes See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtkMFLuOa3M (accessed on 7/6/2023). References Appadurai, A. (1996). Modernity at large: Cultural dimensions of globalization. University of Minnesotta Press. Google Scholar Banerjee, P. (2006). Politics of time: “Primitives” and history-writ...
Native American women in the USA are particularly susceptible to sex trafficking. Factors that contribute to Native women’s vulnerability to trafficking include: historical trauma; racism; substance use disorders and mental health diagnoses; poverty and
modern indian history ncert notes for upsc india’s struggle for independence – revolt of 1857 to quit india movement frequently asked questions (faqs) q1 who started the freedom struggle in india? the first war of indian independence took place in 1857. later on, the indian national congress...
The level of success of Japan, despite its relative decline, might still be thought to justify the Japanese view of themselves as having a unique, or at least special, "national essence," 國体, Kokutai, certainly of the first order of geopolitical importance, giving us some motivation for the...
It is an institutional mechanism to accommodate two sets of politics, one at the central or national level and the second at the regional or provincial level. It makes an important part of Indian Polity syllabus of the IAS Exam. This article will introduce you to Federalism in India notes. ...
First Notes on Probability December 14, 2021 On the Simplest Smallest Most Universal Direct #FlatTax of 500 Rupees per annum for India — accruing to the States, with a BPL exemption too December 1, 2021 Foundations of Pakistan’s Political Economy: Towards an Agenda for the 1990s, edited...