All bags or packaging material used for fertilisers should carry “a logo indicating Fertiliser subsidy scheme namely Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janurvarak Pariyojana (PMBJP), in two-thirds space. However, companies are allowed to display their name, brand and logo and other relevant product informatio...
In 2021, the Ministry of Home Affairslaunchedthe “Cyber Crime Volunteers Program” which enabled citizens, termed “good samaritans” to flag “unlawful” content online, advocating for its removal. However, within three months of this launch, X (formerly Twitter) accounts of Hindutva Watch, an...
A health ministry statement said 10 percent of the 12,000 doses it received were given to the Palestinian national football team, government ministers, presidential guards and members of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s topmost Executive Committee. Another 200 doses went to the Jordanian royal...