Article 19(2) of the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and expression to all citizens of India. This article is subjected to certain restrictions, namely -Sovereignty and integrity of India, The security of the State, Friendly relations with foreign States, public order, Decency or ...
reserve capitals are being gradually degraded due to present demand of various ESs and the overexploitation of these natural capitals particularly in coastal tracts16. Carbon sequestration indicates the diminishing process of carbon from atmosphere and stored into different carbon reservoirs in the ground....
Given this background, when the Indian states are considered, the population of their largest to their second largest city (one measure of primacy) was more than 2.5 (1991) to 3.0 (2011), on average, with the states of Karnataka and Telangana exhibiting severe primacy. In Karnataka, the pr...
Click points on this map to explore the cotton supply chain Cotton Origins Five to ten million years ago, a member of the Malvacea plant family, which includes okra (Abelmoschus esculentusL.) and ornamental hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensisL.) branched off from its relatives and evolved twisting...
Port Louis, city, capital, and main port of the island of Mauritius in the western Indian Ocean. It lies between a well-sheltered, deepwater harbor, accessible to ships through a break in the coral reef, and a semicircle of mountains.
Each choropleth map displays the country membership of trade communities of the IOR intra-regional trade. Figure 5. Changes in network density of each community (a) and trade share of each community in the IOR intra-regional trade (b). Note that, in Figure 2b, the y-axes on the left ...