Twitter Google Share on Facebook Indian reserve (redirected fromIndian reserves) or Indian reservation n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Seereservation4 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007,...
In 1983, a team of brave soldiers and scientists embarked on a historic mission to establish India’s first Antarctic base, #DakshinGangotri "India’s Greatest Journeys: Dakshin Gangotri," from the house of MnM Talkies, is a labour of love—an immersive audio documentary featuring personal ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromMiskito Indian) Encyclopedia Related to Miskito Indian:Mosquito Indians Mis·ki·to (mĭ-skē′tō)·ki·tos 1.A member of an American Indian people inhabiting the Caribbean...
Sure, it has some laboured historical anachronisms and the usage of tropical Penang as a filming location means Simla has been woefully miscast. But these misgivings aside, as a filmic experience Indian Summers is magnificent.Cinematography is exquisite, the vibrant colours simply dance off the ...
Social media interactions invariably include trolling, where disruptive or annoying comments are made online, and gender trolling is one aspect of trolling. Gender trolling in India has turned ugly, with mischievous and offensive tweets transforming into threats. However, far too little research has ex...
india. it described where and how children could be employed and where and how this was forbidden. this act designates a child as a person who has not completed his/her 14th year of age. the 1986 act prohibits the employment of children in 13 occupations and 57 processes. child labour (...
A new chapter in Indo-British relations opened with the victory of theLabour Partyin Britain 1945. During the next two years, there were prolonged triangular negotiations between leaders of the Congress, theMuslim LeagueunderMohammed Ali Jinnah, and the British government, culminating in theMountbatte...
Why this contempt for hard work and labour? Just because people feel lot of Muslims mend tyres [wheels], they use the term for Muslims in conversations on social media. In my housing society alone, there are over 50 domestic helps, all of them are Hindu. So should on a limited experienc...
The Labour Ministry said FAT was introduced to ease the burden on elderly pensioners. Although the government states“pensioners can still submit their life certificates through traditional means, such as visiting pension offices or using post offices”, physical visits and biometrics are a problem ...
Adam Smith said there is “invention of a great number of machines which facilitate and abridge labour, and enable one man to do the work of many”. Consider a real life example. A fresh engineering graduate knows dynamometers are needed in testing and performance-certification of diesel ...