Indian Journal of Science and Technology PubMed 发文量 6,563 被引量 8,895 影响因子(2023) 0.054主办单位: INDIAN SOC EDUCATION & ENVIRONMENT-ISEE 出版地区: India 出版周期: 周刊国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0974-6846 创刊时间: 2007年 ...
Can i please know the impact factor of Indian Journal of Science and Technology Reply MMelanie Ortiz 4 months ago Dear Akshaya, thank you very much for your comment. SCImago Journal and Country Rank uses Scopus data, our impact indicator is the SJR (Check it above). We suggest you consult...
Indian Journal of Science International Weekly Journal for Science ISSN 2319 – 7730 EISSN 2319 – 7749 REVIEW Antimicrobial Spectrum of Allium Species – A Review Packia Lekshmi NCJ1҉, Viveka S2, Jeeva S1, Raja Brindha J1 1. Department of Microbiology, Udaya College of Arts and Science, ...
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 《印度科学研究所杂志》是一份季刊评论期刊,主要介绍该研究所和全球机构的研究成果。它成立于 1914 年,是印度科学研究所的官方出版物。每期均由担任客座编辑的杰出研究人员编辑。只接受“特邀审稿文章”。遵循单盲同行评审流程。
Indian journal of Scientific Research(IJSR) is the official organ of Global Academic Society. Indian journal of Scientific Research is a Multidisciplinary,Peer Reviewed,Open Access, International Journal of science and technology. The scope of journal is
An overview of methods used for the detection of aquatic resource consumption by humans: Compound-specific delta N-15 analysis of amino acids in archaeolog... Journal of Archaeological Science ReportsNaito Y.I., Bocherens H., Chikaraishi Y., Drucker D.G., Wi脽ing C., Yoneda M., and ...
期刊名称:《Indian Journal of Science and Technology》 | 2010年第2期 5.Comparison of Hot Electron Transport Properties in Wurtzite Phase of ZnS, GaN and 6H-SiC 机译:ZnS,GaN和6H-SiC纤锌矿相中热电子输运性质的比较 作者:H. Arabshahi 期刊名称:《Indian Journal of Science and Technology》 | 201...
Maize (Zea mays.L) is the third most planted food crop and one of the major energy sources. Indian corn or corn is a cereal that is one of the most important edible grains in the world. In addition to the grains, leaves, corn silks, stalk and inflorescence of the maize plant are ...
The Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) is a refereed journal for scientific papers dealing with any area of computer science research. The purpose of establishing the scientific journal is the assistance in development of science,
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 导师把我论文投这里了,感觉不是什么很好的杂志吧?