An adaptation of an acclaimed Malayalam novel of the same name, Aadujeevitham (The Goat Life) tells the true story of a Malayali migrant laborer forced into slavery as a goatherd on a deserted Arab farm. Directed by veteran filmmaker Blessy, the film is an Indian-American co-production. Sta...
No. It’s Sally Bollywood! Who would have thought a time would come when there would be a Bollywood movie made by a totally non-Indian team, and its heroine Sally Bollywood would become a super-star with French, German and Spanish fans, her own series of books, stationery line, a comic...
Although Bollywood is associated with Indian films, it is important to note that Indian cinema spans across the country - with successful regional cinema as well. This combination makes the Indian movie industry has been the largest producer of films for over a decade, consistently surpassing the ...
With a variety of beautiful images featuring stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and iconic landmarks, you can find the perfect wallpaper to bring a touch of Indian culture into your home. Whether you're looking for a colorful background to brighten up your desktop or an eye-catching image...
Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan. Kabul has encouraged India to engage in provocative activities such as using the Border Roads Organization to build sensitive parts of the Ring Road and use the Indo-Tibetan police force for security. It is ...
But the five-day game is threatened by the rise of T20, which has condensed cricket into three-hour, bite-sized chunks of entertainment with big hitters and cheerleaders. India, the main driver of TV revenue, calls the shots to the detriment of the wider game outside the “big three” ...
The Great Indian Kitchen: Regia di R. Kannan. Con Yogi Babu, Kalairani, Poster Nandakumar, Mekha Rajan. Post her marriage, a woman tries to fit into the conventional mould that society has prescribed for married women. But somewhere along the way, she st
Cinematography:White Rose Production Cinema and Photo| Sangeet Venue:Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village| Planning & Design:Eventistala| Floral & Decor:Butterfly Floral and Event Design| Hair & Makeup:Dolled Up By Lulu| Hair & Makeup:Glam By Jes| Catering:Manohar's Delhi Palace| Mehndi Artis...
C Ramchandra One of the early Western introduction into Indian songs wereCastanets; Spanish percussion musical instruments consisting of two wooden pieces or shells, held one in each hand and clicked with fingers. They can be played standalone but sound better in combination with guitar or similar...
The morning of the wedding began with Simron stepping into a bridal ensemble that was nothing less than a masterpiece. With intricate embroidery and hues of orange and gold, her outfit radiated traditional charm yet modern finesse. Styled to perfection byThe Face Pro, Simron's look was an ...