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Panwar, VikrantSen, SubirIndian Inst Technol IIT Roorkee Dept Humanities &Climate and Development
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The study indicates that FDEA can be used efficiently for evaluating the performance of a particular sector under similar conditions.Singh, NatthanPant, MillieIndian Inst Technol Roorkee Appl Sci &Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Gulati, RachitaIndian Inst Technol RoorkeeKumar, SunilSouth Asian UnivElsevier B.V.Economic ModellingGulati, R., Kumar, S. 2016. Assessing the impact of the global financial crisis on the profit efficiency of Indian banks. Econ. Mod. 58, 167-181....
According to the NEHRP (2003), the soil site classes C, D and E are more responsible for the seismic wave amplification; however, among these three site classes, the site class E is more responsible for soil liquefaction. Based on the borehole profiles and SPT-Nvalues, collected from all...
Naim, Mohammad FarazLenka, UshaIndian Inst Technol Roorkee Dept Management Studies Roorkee Uttar Pradesh IndiaJournal of knowledge managementNaim, M.F.; Lenka, U. Linking knowledge sharing, competency development, and affective commitment: Evidence from Indian Gen Y employees. J. Knowl. Manag. 2017...
Chandra, PramodIndian Inst Technol RoorkeeSharma, VinaySmall-scale Forestry