Indeed if you ask me this has been the biggest hindrance in the way of India to attain its freedom and independence and but for this we would have been free peoples long long ago. No power can hold another nation, and specially a nation of 400 million souls in subjection; nobody could...
India's independence, India's Muslims, India's Nationalism, India's Rule of Law, India's secularism, India-Pakistan cooperation against terrorism, India-Pakistan peace process, Indian subcontinent, International Law, Iqbal, Iran, Islam, Islamic State, Jammu & Kashmir, Jammu & Kashmir in internati...
The Republic of India began life as an unlikely nation. Gaining independence in 1947, India adopted a democratic form of governance, a liberal constitution, and secular public institutions (at least in intent if often not in practice). None of these sprang from a living indigenous tradition.[1...
In the United States, Constitution it makes clear that all the branches of government are equal in power, but in the Indian Constitution, the legislative branch has absolute independence, meaning that it is supreme to the executive and judicial branch. The Indian ...
“Indian Independence” transmitters were also set up in Bangkok and Singapore, as was an “Indian Muslim Station.” The Japanese formed the Indian National Army with Subhas Chandra Bose as its leader. Numerous leaflets were dropped on British Indian troops calling on them to join the Japanese ...
Contrary to the older middle-class, which had launched the independence movement, the new one has attained worldly success through individual effort rather than privileged birth (Fernandes, 2006). This class has been influenced by liberal ideas. According to Appadurai (1996), such ideas comprise ...
It is not true that everything about this market has remained as it was during the country’s independence. Several things like technology or the ability to export have changed in recent decades. Yet, theparchisystem and the relational contracting embedded in it, have remained immutable. By res...
although that was lost upon independence to the religious division between India and Pakistan. The Moghuls and British, of course, called India by its name in their own languages -- i.e. "Hindustān,"हिन्दुस्तान,हिंदुस्तान(with "n"...
India's independence, India's Jurisprudence, India's Lok Sabha, India's Nationalism, India's nomenclatura, India's Parliament, India's Polity, India's Presidency, India's Rajya Sabha, India's Rule of Law, Indian National Congress Origins, Indira Gandhi, International Law, Jawaharlal Nehru, La...
Modern Pakistanis and Indians are free peoples who can voluntarily agree in their own interests to alter the terms set hurriedly by Attlee or Mountbatten in the Indian Independence Act 1947. Nobody but we ourselves keeps us prisoners of superficial definitions of who we are or might be. The ...