Disclaimer: Hinduwebsite.com provides the news from third party sources solely for the purpose of information on the current state of affairs. Hinduwebsite has no control over the thirdparty feeds or what news they include or exclude. The views expressed in them are solely those of the origin...
This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Preview Unable to display preview. Download preview PDF.References Handbooks and General Works BASHAM, A. L.: — The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the History and Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent...
Gaṇitagannaḍi: An astronomical text of 1604 CE in Kannada by Śankaranārāyaṇa Joisaru of Śṛngeri, translation with mathematical analysis by B.S. Shylaja and Seetahrama Javagal [Navaratnakara Publications Pvt. Ltd., First published 2021, Second Print: 2021, iv + 220, ...
1.2 HISTORY (3) Ancient era: In Ancient Rome, Acta Diurna, or government announcement bulletins, were made public by Julius Caesar. They were carved on stone or metal and posted in public places. In China, early government-produced news sheets, called tipao, circulated among court officials ...
and any others — will have to agree that, all things considered, such is the right course of action for everyone today in the 21st Century, which means too that the solution must be consistent with the principal known facts of history as well as account reasonably for all moral consideratio...
Guha (2000) in his incisive global history of environmentalism delineates that central to every environmental problem in our country is a massive ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS: THE INDIAN SCENARIO 17 human livelihood issue. But according to him our environmental...
Therefore the history of medicine is as old as the history of mankind; medicine arose out of the primal sympathy of man to give succor and relief to those in sorrow, need and sickness. The impotance of medicine for human health is also stressed even by ancient medical scholars, which can...
The difficulty is compounded by the colonial history of unequal power positions impacting philosophical traditions. However, the rapid shift from imagina-tion to memory in technology and knowledge-transactions in recent decades, and the profound changes taking place in the nature of human cognition, ...
(iii). The arrays of subjects chosen by him are vast and diverse. They range from the gods, goddesses, demons, Vedic sages, characters from puranas, literature, history, planetary deities, music composers, Nayanmars , Thirthankaras and Acharyas of various periods and inclinations ; festivals...
in2007,sheappearedin"OmShantiOm"withShahrukhKhanwhichwonhera breakthroughactressawardatFilmfare. KajolDevgan–Kajolbeganactingin1992andfoundstardomafter appearinginthe1993film"Baazigar."Thiswasherfirsttimestaringalongside themostpopularactorinBollywoodhistoryShahrukhKhan.Thetwore-teamedin ...