Recently the government of India has placed an order for 72,000 additional Sig-Saur 716 G2 rifles for Indian Army. There… July 23, 2021 Salary & Allowances Of Para Special Forces Hello Defence Lovers, Youth of India aspires to join the world most formidable army, the Indian army. Along...
1,000 crore (Rs. 500 crore each by the Government of India and the Assam Government) will be distributed over a five-year period for infrastructure development in villages/areas with an Adivasi population.Peace Agreements:Several agreements have been signed to ensure peace and development in the...
thursday, jan 30, 2025 epaper .opens in new window today’s paper .opens in new window journalism of courage home .opens in new window epaper .opens in new window my express .opens in new window upsc .opens in new window entertainment .opens in new window world .opens in new window ...
The report maps a crisis, but also holds out possibilities. For the private schools, it is a prod to rethink an online-only mode of learning. For government schools, the growth in footfall is an opportunity to improve the quality of teaching and retain students — it is possible, as has ...
Indian Council for Cultural RelationsThe Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India, involved in India's external cultural relations (cultural diplomacy), through cultural exchange with other countries and their peoples. It was founded in ...
syllabus secondary course group a syllabus nios senior secondary course senior secondary group f syllabus senior secondary group e syllabus senior secondary group d syllabus senior secondary group c syllabus senior secondary group b syllabus senior secondary group a syllabus government exams bank exams ...
There are many factors responsible for the long size of the constitution. One major factors was that the framers of the constitution copied provisions form several sources and several other constitutions of the world. They have followed and reproduced the Government of India Act ...
TRAINING: Officers are recruited through an open competitive examination conducted by the UPSC annually and then trained for about two years by the Central Government. As forest service officials, the selected candidates have to perform various duties ranging from administrative, judicial, financial, for...
syllabus secondary course group a syllabus nios senior secondary course senior secondary group f syllabus senior secondary group e syllabus senior secondary group d syllabus senior secondary group c syllabus senior secondary group b syllabus senior secondary group a syllabus government exams bank exams ...
government impetus needed for faculty development in higher education follow us download apps the indian express website has been rated green for its credibility and trustworthiness by newsguard, a global service that rates news sources for their journalistic s...