Popular Indian girl baby names starting with the letter 'I' and their meanings. Unique Hindu and Sanskrit girl baby names that are popular and widely used across the world by NRIs. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ...
Popular Indian girl baby names starting with the letter 'J' and their meanings. Unique Hindu and Sanskrit girl baby names that are popular and widely used across the world by NRIs. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ...
Popular Indian girl baby names starting with the letter 'G' and their meanings. Unique Hindu and Sanskrit girl baby names that are popular and widely used across the world by NRIs. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
Popular Indian girl baby names starting with the letter 'A' and their meanings. Unique Hindu and Sanskrit girl baby names that are popular and widely used across the world by NRIs. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q
J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Discover Beautiful Hindu Girl Names Starting with G Selecting a good name is one of the essential rituals in the Hindu community, names are more like virtues, divine or cultural attributes. For those seeking Hindu girl names starting with G, ...
J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Hindu Girl Names Starting with L According to Hindu culture, naming a baby girl is a joyful and a significant task that embodies values and spirituality apart from any hope of parenthood. For all lovers of Hindu girl names starting with L, ...
Endearing Baby Names with Meaning Ekagratha Focus Ekaja The only child; only child Ekakanya The girl child Ekaksharapara The Goddess who likes Om Ekambari Sky Ekani One Ekansha Complete, One Ekanta Devoted girl, Lovely, Beautiful, Exclusive; Devoted girl Ekantha Devoted girl, Lovely, Beautif...
If you are looking for Indian baby girl names, below is a Hindu and Sanskrit girls' name list for your reference: Baby Girl Names inspired by Bollywood Movies and Celebrities Are you a movie buff looking for some modern baby girl names? Here is list with thenames of your favourite celebrit...
Hindu Boy Names Starting With K Choosing a name for a child is one of the most conscious activities, names carry on traditions, and may influence the purpose of life. The selection of names in Hindu culture has a proper understanding, tend to denote the proper depth of spirituality and cult...
Currently we have35Girl Names Starting from Gha in our Indian collection Like Name MeaningSort 138 Ghama Smell of Flowers; Sun 218 Ghana Knowledge 211 Ghasi One Type of Ryms to Kasi; … 254 Ghata Clouds 208 Ghaada Beautiful; A Small Song ...