Indian Generic Drugmakers May Face Supply Shortages From China if Coronavirus Drags On More Reuters FILE PHOTO: A woman wearing a mask is seen at a subway station in Shanghai, China, as the country is hit by an outbreak of the novel coronavirus, February 13, 2020....
Pran Gopal Saha (2013) "Indian OTC Drug Market: Opportunities and Challenges", Global Research Analysis, Vol. 2 | Iss: 10 | Oct 2013 pp. 61-63.Saha PG.Indian Otc Drug Market: Opportunities and Challenges. GJRA, October 2013;2(10):61- 63....
Benchmark and data visualization of Indian public listed companies in the Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic Industry, with top companies, stocks performance comparison, competitive analysis, and comparisons of top companies for market research. ... is India's largest online marketplace that assists manufacturers, suppliers & exporters to trade with each other at a common, reliable & transparent platform. Largest free online business directory & yellow page with listing of 1,945,000 In
The retail pharmaceutical market in India is expected to cross US$ 12-13 billion by 2012 The Indian drug and pharmaceuticals segment received foreign direct investment to the tune of US$ 1.43 billion from April 2000 to December 2008 Challenges Every industry has its own sets of advantages and ...
This white paper outlines a number of areas of Indian customs regulations and practice which are useful for anyone involved in import or export to know. As it is a major growth market, more and more businesses need to get familiar with India’s regulations. Customs clearance is often a task...
The debut of Indian generic firms pose the largest threat to domestic generic drug makers. The entrance of Dr. Reddy’s BE-approved Olanzapine in the GPO amongst other Indian players would be able to cut prices further by 30% from the 11-city GPO tender prices, which could shake ma...
Generic (off-patent) drugs account for around 95% of the domestic market volume (Marketline, 2016) and 75% by value (Assocham, 2015). Thus, instead of patent-based competition, brand dominance/preference determines retail and institutional sales for therapeutic segments (Sakthivel and Nabar, ...
Believe it or not, Coca-Cola is the most popular soft beverage in India. With a coverage range of 60% of the Indian market, you can find coke at almost any corner you turn. What do people drink in India? Tea and coffee are the two most consumed products with over 837,000 tonnes of...
The modern generic pharmaceutical industry came into existence through the 1984 US Drug Price Competition and Patent Restoration (Hatch-Waxman) Act, which provided for facilitated market entry for generic versions of all post-1962 approved products in exchange for an extension of the patent period for...