Checkout Today's Indian Express Editorial Analysis from Daily Current Affairs News in India for IAS or UPSC Civil Services Exam Preparation..
(FREE) UPSC Current Affairs 2024 PDF THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 19 FEBRUARY 2019 (I grieve for my men (The Indian Express)I grieve for my men (The Indian Express) Mains Paper 4: Internal Security Prelims level: Pulwama Attack Mains level: Role of not state actors in ...
Teacher’s day and night(Indian Express) Mains Paper 2:Education Prelims level: COVID 19 Mains level: Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Education Context: The pandemic has forced schooling to move online, but the burden of digital inequality has ...
In this context, India and China, as the world’s two most populous countries and mega-economies, should engage in a meaningful dialogue to resolve the border dispute. Online Coaching for UPSC PRE Exam E-Books Download for UPSC IAS Exams General Studies Pre. Cum Mains Study Material Prelims ...
From Plate to Plough: The farm-factory connect (Indian Express) Mains Paper 3: Economy Prelims level: agri-GDP growth Mains level: Situation of Indian factories related to farming Context As per the last report of National Statistical Office (NSO) released on May 31, the Gross ...
We the Migrants (Indian Express) Mains Paper 2: International Prelims level: Labour migration Mains level: Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora Context: Labour migration is a central phenomenon in South Asia. ...
About Three Reforms (Indian Express) Mains Paper 2:Governance Prelims level: National Education Polity Mains level: Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability Context: It’s unfair to simultaneously regret and defend the status quoin education, agriculture and labour markets. Change...
An Unserviced Sector(Indian Express) Mains Paper 3: Economy Prelims level: Services Sector of India Mains level: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development and employment Context: The service sector has been a key driver of both the global and ...
There’s hope for the rare Great Indian Bustard (Indian Express) Mains Paper 3: Environment Prelims level: Great Indian Bustard Mains level: Challenges ahead to conservation of species Context: Once the frontrunner to be named India’s national bird, the Great Indian Bustard has lo...
The Future of Health(Indian Express) Mains Paper 2: Health Prelims level: National Digital health mission Mains level: Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health Context: The launch of the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) comes at a time when...