“I am convinced, since our savings rate is as high as 35%, given the collective will, if all of us work together, we can achieve a growth-rate of 8%-9%, even if the world economy does not do well.” (Statement of Dr Manmohan Singh to the Lok Sabha, June 9 2009) I am afrai...
Posted in Academic research, Amartya Sen, Arvind Panagariya, Bhagwati-Sen spat, Britain in India, China's macroeconomics, China's savings rate, Economic Policy, Economic quackery, Economic Theory, Economic Theory of Growth, Economic Theory of Interest, Economic Theory of Value, Economics of exchang...
However, RI's framework encompasses sustainability from ethics, society, environment, and economy, making it more robust and compatible with the dimension of innovation and sustainable development. The governance of civilian UAV technology in crop insurance has not yet been discussed in earlier studies...
The tourism and hospitality industry is a pioneer of the sharing economy. Start-ups such as Airbnb allows tourists and residents to share their expert local knowledge and homes (e.g. as local tour guides). Developing countries like India with its unprecedented growth of smartphone users, provide...
The environmental concern is on rise in all types of business; however, banking assumes a special niche due to its ability to influence the economic growth
China's savings rate China's Commonwealth China's dissidents China's Economy China's expansionism China's History China's internal passports China's military China's nationalism China's Politics China's religions China's wars China-India Relations China-Pakistan relations Chin...
“I am convinced, since our savings rate is as high as 35%, given the collective will, if all of us work together, we can achieve a growth-rate of 8%-9%, even if the world economy does not do well.” (Statement of Dr Manmohan Singh to the Lok Sabha, June 9 2009) I am afrai...
he acknowledges in advancing the notion of a natural rate of unemployment, one which has been “ground out by the walrasian system of general equilibrium equations” — in other words, one which happens to be consistent with the structure of the real data of the economy at a particular time...