The measure focuses on extending producer responsibility, halting imports of used electronics, and main-streaming India's vast, unorganized e-waste recycling network. The proposed legislation was submitted in July to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, which has set up a task force to look ...
E-waste policy and legislation have great influence on the handling and disposal procedures. A novel improved e-waste management practice has been proposed to encourage eco-friendly and safe e-waste disposal. It is recommended that regulatory agencies and manufacturers should create a road map to ...
Understanding public knowledge and awareness on e-waste in an urban setting in India: A case study for Delhi Purpose 鈥 Despite legislation in place, there is still a gap in knowledge and awareness of the communities on the issues of e-waste handling and managemen... S Kwatra,S Pandey,S ...
Other countries throughout the range of banana prawns are also investigating the use of BRDs or have introduced legislation for the mandatory use of such devices, including Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, and Nigeria. However, there are still many difficulties getting the fishing industry to...
It is then examined by the House secretariat for compliance with constitutional provisions and rules on legislation before listing. The Private Member bill, in order to become an act, must be passed in both the houses. Once passed in both houses, Presidential assent is also mandatory for the ...
Maulana Abul Ala Maudoodi, however, is of the opinion that legislation in the true sense is possible in an Islamic State on matters which are not covered by the Qur’an, the sunna, or previous ijma’ and he has attempted to explain his point by reference to the institution of a body ...
Public property waste fraud Punjab Pure Mathematics Qadian QD Leavis Rabindranath Tagore Racism Radio Raghuram Govind Rajan Raghuram Rajan Rahul Gandhi Rai Bahadur Umbik Churn Rai Rajendra Prasad Rajiv Gandhi Rajiv Gandhi's assassination Ram Janambhoomi RAND study of Mumbai attack...
Understanding these determinants can help us plan better e-waste interventions; a point illustrated through critique of recently introduced legislation.Keywords: e-waste, sustainability, developing countries, India, ICT sector, 1. IntroductionUse of information and communication technologies (...
goods processed and/or made on board its factory ships as defined in Article 2 exclusively from the products mentioned in subparagraphs (e) and (f); waste and scrap resulting from utilisation, consuming or manufacturing operations conducted in the territory of any of the Parties, provided they...
Pract Period Hazard Toxic Radioact Waste Manag 14:2–20 Article Google Scholar Ebele AJ, Abdallah MA-E, Harrad S (2017) Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the freshwater aquatic environment. Emerg Contam 3:1–16 Article Google Scholar Okoye CO et al (2022) Occurrence...