Honorary Consulate General of India, Brazzaville B.P. 168, Avenue Bayardelle, Brazaville Republic of Congo. 00-242-811646 (O) / 810099 (R)00-242-815782 (O & R)hcgbzv@yahoo.co.in,regalste@yahoo.com (R),regal@mtybernet.com(R),regalcgo2@yahoo.fr(R) ...
“I’ve been crying all day,” she said. “It’s so difficult. I was just so excited for him to meet my family.” She said the venue is booked and the couple has non-refundable flights. She said her partner went to the Indian Consulate in Toronto b...
Editor information Editors and Affiliations Department of History, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, USA Pedro Machado Department of World Cultures, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, ON, Canada Sarah Fee Indian Ocean World Centre, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada Gwyn Campbell ...