Indian firm wins contract to help build highway in Ethiopia “The fact that the people we are working with are polite and ready to learn keep us going back to work with them,” he said adding, “Indian companies are known for delivering projects on time”. ICT India won the bid against...
The Mekele-Dallol and SemeraAfdera Project, worth around $22m, will bring power to rural areas in Afar and Tigray and help companies working to mine potash, a compound used in fertilisers for farming, which is Ethiopia's top industry. The tender call was organised by state-run E t h i...
Under ITC's Supporting Indian Trade and Investments in Africa (SITA), East African nations including Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania will receive support to boost their exports to India. Maina said that Kenya is keen to have Indian companies to form joint ventures with their Kenyan...
Values That Create Value: Socially Responsible Business Practices in SMEs—Empirical Evidence from German Companies Socially responsible business and ethical behaviour of companies have been of interest to academia and practice for decades. But the focus has almost exclu......
These could be due to lack of education, awareness, ignorance, relatively low socio-economic status of the street vendors, and lack of promotional efforts by the insurance companies. It has been found that street vendors with certain socio-demographic variables were more conducive to enrolling in ...
Islamic Finance is a financial set up that had a big role in the growth and infrastructure systems... 5 Pages | 2171 Words Concepts Of Ethical Leadership And Their Potential Ethics Leadership Utilitarianism Leadership literature has not remained the same as over the years it has been developed...
These initiatives are best solutions in overcoming the hurdles of restricted mobility or other such regulations, thereby making the growers also self-reliant. Process Engineering/Machinery India has a galaxy of machinery manufacturing and installing companies who have a strong group of extremely capable ...
In the in-depth interviews, it was realized that despite the technological advances in the garment sector not much had been put to practice. Matt & Rauch (2020) indicate that, most advanced companies that have performed digitization of their activities and workflows, are still not entirely equipp...
At Love Studio Photo we also specialize in African cultural weddings and beautiful occasions that represent brides and grooms from Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea. Muslim Arab Palestinian Wedding Photographer We have worked with royal Arab and noble Palestinian weddings, and our photographers are very fam...
ethno-zoological knowledge systems and related TM practices along with the renewed interest of global pharmaceutical companies in natural product development [2, 8, 22], gives further impetus for systematic investigation of the role of TM for controlling infectious diseases in the contemporary contexts....