Modern Indian Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'Y' NAME MEANING Yaalchelvan Pride of yaalpaanam Yaalmani Gem of yaalpaanam Yaalvendan Ruler of yaalpaanam Yadasambharta Chief of marine animals Yadavaprakasa Lord Krishna Yadav Lord Krishna, descedent of Yadu Yadavaputra Son of Yadu Yadav...
Modern Indian Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'P' NAME MEANING Paandu Father of the Pandavas Paavan Purifier Pacata another name for sun, fire, Indira Pachai Youthful, resourceful Pachaimani Youthful, resourceful Pachaimuthu Youthful, resourceful Padati Foot soldier Padmabandhu Friend of the ...
Modern Indian Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'S' NAME MEANING Sadik Truthful Sadru Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu Sadal Luck will Come to You Saakaar Manifestation of god Sagav White Sajal Moist; Hydrous; Clean Mind Sajan Beloved; Friend Saanjh Evening Saanu Young Saaras Swan Saatatya Never ...
Baby Names By rashi||Baby Names By Nakshatra||Twin Boy Names||Recently Posted Names +Advanced Search BoyABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ GirlABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ One stop to decide your baby name.Rare Collection of more than 50,000 modern indian hindu baby names with meaning . Telugu, Hindi, ...
Modern Indian Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'K' NAMEMEANING KaCreator KaaliyaA huge serpent KaamilPerfect KaananForest KaanhaLord Krishna KaarikaaActress KarthikOne Who Bestows Happiness KaartikeyaSon of Shiva KaashinaathLord of Kaashi
Indian Names with Meaning More than 3000 Indian Boys and Indian Girls Name ... Boy Girl Search Name: Add Name ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Name Description Edit Aabha Light Edit Aabharan Jewel Edit Aabheer A cow herd Edit Advertisements Aabher A cow herd Edit Aachman (आचम...
Modern Indian Boy Names Maybe classic isn’t your thing! Well, these modern Indian boy’s names are based on traditional names but have a modern twist, often dropping the last vowel letter to make the name sound more current. 31.Anant.Meaning “infinite, endless,” this Indian boy’s name...
Hindu Boy Names with Meaning Selecting Hindu names for boys is a profoundly significant choice, deeply rooted in tradition and spirituality. These names are not merely labels; they are expressions of identity, heritage, and aspirations. Parents, both in India and abroad, often embark on a quest...
Boy Girl Gender Option Keyword Are we missing a Name? If so please request it to be added. Add a name Find out your RashiRashi Calculator ◪ Name Combiner Find unique names from the mixture of any two names. Name 1+ Name 2 Category Boy Girl GenderFace...
Indian Names Boy -Choose your Baby Names based on astrology. Prem Astrologer has a collection of Indian, French, African, Australian and Muslim New Born Baby Names and Meanings.- Char A