Modern Indian Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'Y' NAMEMEANING YaalchelvanPride of yaalpaanam YaalmaniGem of yaalpaanam YaalvendanRuler of yaalpaanam YadasambhartaChief of marine animals YadavaprakasaLord Krishna YadavLord Krishna, descedent of Yadu ...
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Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'S' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'S' that are popular across the world. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W ...
Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'T' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'T' that are popular across the world. A B C D
Popular Hindu Boy Names Start With N NAMEMEANINGRELIGION NitinMaster of the Right Path; New; Owner of the Truth WayHindu NiteshMaster of the Right Path; Krishana; True Warrior; Mightiest LordHindu Nikhilwhole, entire in Sanskrit.Hindu
Popular Hindu Boy Names Start With C NAMEMEANINGRELIGION ChintuSunHindu ChikiSweet; IntelligentHindu ChotuSmallHindu ChandanSandalwoodHindu ChiragLamp; PrakashHindu ChaitanyaThe Name of a Saint; Consciousness; Life; KnowledgeHindu ChanduMoonHindu
Popular Hindu Boy Names Start With J NAMEMEANINGRELIGION JatinSaintly; Matted HairHindu JitendraHe Defeated Indra; Lord of ConquerorsHindu JayeshWinner of a Game; VictorHindu JayBlue Jay; He who Supplants; The Lord is Salvation; Victory; Blue Crested Bird; A Bird in the Crow Family; WinHindu...
Baby Names In Vogue Worldwide Latest and Famous Baby Boy Names Rajvardan Super kingRajvardhan Super kingRajvir Brave king, The hero of the land, Kingdoms warriorRajyashree Propriety of a kingRajyeshwar KingRakesh Lord of the night; lord of the night, sunRak...
Unisex Baby Names Worldwide with Meaning Names For Your Newborn Meaning Virtuous Bishwanath; Vishwanath Lord of the world Bishwas Faith, Trust Bishweshwar Lord of the universe Biswa Earth, Universe Biswajeet; Vishwajeet; Vishwajit Winner of the world; Victory on the world ...
Hindu baby boy names, Baby boy names, Indian baby boy names 2025Jagan = Universe Jagadbandu = Lord Krishna Jagadeep = Light of the Universe Jagadhish = Lord of the Universe Jagadev = lord of the Universed Jagajeet = Conquerer of the Universe Jagajeevan = Life of the Universe Jaganmay ...