Isolation of human islets for tissue bank. Human islets isolated from the deceased donors can be used for transplantation into type-1 diabetic (T1D) patients or for diabetes research. Full size image However, setting up islet banks come with their own challenges. Apart from obvious ethical and...
Separately, the think tank also co-hosted a workshop with the World Bank, engaging stakeholders from across the CCUS value chain. 3.1.2 Nationally Determined Contributions India's initial Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) outlined three key mitigation components: an emissions intensity target, ...
The heterogeneity in a household’s cooking fuel basket has been explained generally by multiple determinants. However, the implication of a household’s allocation of expenses on food and non-food requirements on cooking-fuel choices has not been adequately examined. Therefore, analysing the role of...
Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. 11033_2014_3436_MOESM1_ESM.doc List of 328 V. radiata SSR primer pairs developed in this study. Their sequences, repeat motifs, annealing temperature (Tm), amplification product size (bp) and Genbank accession numbers are mentioned ...