Major Brown was a drummer boy at Fort Snelling in 1823, and afterward held official positions in Wisconsin Territory and later had been agent for the Sioux Indians. I admired him for one thing. Like most of the early settlers who came to the country unmarried, he took a wife from the Si...
Define Paleo-Indian. Paleo-Indian synonyms, Paleo-Indian pronunciation, Paleo-Indian translation, English dictionary definition of Paleo-Indian. adj. Of or relating to prehistoric human culture in the Western Hemisphere from the earliest habitation to ar
Arguing that “birth in the United States does not by itself entitle a person to citizenship, the person must also be ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of the United States.” It raised a case from 1884 that found members of Indian tribes “are not ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of the Un...
To avoid these potential artifacts, we used the ratio of the sum of i discriminating haplogroup frequencies in the hybrid (ph) and source (ps) populations to estimate the admixture proportions relative to the closest outgroup population to the hybrid (p0): m=∑i(phi-p0i)∑i(psi-p0i).The...
A sub-tribe of the Delaware, the Munsee, originally lived on the upper Delaware River, but many of them later settled in Wisconsin with the Stockbridge tribe. Mentioned in Footnotes: 1; Mentioned in Ethnographies: 1; Mentioned in Texts: 1; Mentioned in Commentaries: 1, 2, 3....
Magosian industry, stone-tool technology in which an advanced Levallois technique was employed for the production of flakes for the manufacture of other tools, together with a punch technique for the production of microlithicartifacts. Projectile points were produced by pressure flaking. ...
In this way, an anti-colonial maritime archaeology ought to at least be deeply suspicious of the resurrection model of ‘saving’ artifacts and entire ships who ‘have fallen victim to Earth’s watery depths’ [27] (p. 10). Suspicion might further pique when wrecks are labeled as cultural ...
Mongooses were trapped in live box traps (19 × 19 × 48 cm; Tomahawk Live Trap, Wisconsin) to which they were attracted by the presence of a bait consisting of tuna or chicken wings. Traps were set out in shaded ar- eas at dawn and collected 4 to 5 h later. Trapped mongooses ...