Even as the National Cybersecurity policy awaits release, the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) appears to have embarked on a new project. The NSCS has started creating a platform that would give information to Indians about possible security vulnerabilities in the mobile devices and apps ...
Here we show that the glacial Indian Ocean surface salt budget was notably different from the modern, responding dynamically to changes in sea level. Indian Ocean surface salinity increased during glacial intensification, peaking in glacial maxima. We find that this is due to rapid land exposure ...
To overcome this difficulty, a co-ordinated effort is being formulated with a grateful financial support from Department of Biotechnology, Government of India to constitute a network project on developing saturated genetic linkage maps of cotton using different mapping populations available in Ind...
Motorola Mobility, headquar- tered in Chicago, quit selling phones in China as well as some other markets in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe in 2013, after it was bought by Google Inc. Lenovo acquired the company from Google for $2.9 billion early last year and has since prepared to ...
Congestion externalities are a well-known phenomenon in transportation and communication networks, healthcare etc. Optimization by self-interested agents i
Hydrothermal vents are ecosystems inhabited by a highly specialized fauna. To date, more than 30 gastropod species have been recorded from vent fields along the Central and Southeast Indian Ridge and all of them are assumed to be vent-endemic. During the
Recommended Alternative: Truck Simulator PRO Europe Become a real truck driver and feel like driving a truck and simulating real trucks to make money, buy new trucks and trailers, choose your job, and deliver your goods in an open world!Truck Simulator PRO Europeis interesting in that you will...
Apart from direct interventions, the current context provides the opportunity to focus on initiatives in India that have been conceptualized and are yet to take off which can be accelerated. Some of these initiatives include: establishing farm machinery banks to provide an alternative equipment for ti...
We inspected the administrative borders of these metropolitan areas and towns using Google Maps and found that the coastline forms part of these borders for five of them. In what follows, we will refer to the latter as ‘coastal’ and the other nine locations as ’near-coastal’. Incidentally...
In this study, we use gravitational, bathymetric, marine sediment and lithospheric density structure data to compile the Bouguer and mantle gravity maps. We then use both gravity maps to interpret the lithospheric structure beneath the Indian Ocean. The Bouguer gravity map reveals major tectonic and...