18 59.8 Mar 34 21 102 Apr 35 23 119.7 May 33 22 157.5 Jun 30 21 130.4 Jul 29 20 126.9 Aug 28 20 141.2 Sep 29 20 221.5 Oct 29 20 179.4 Nov 28 19 84.3 Dec 28 17 29.3 Showing: Fevereiro Climate & Weather Averages in 12°58'42.0"N, 77°38'19.8"E ...
More weather last week Currently at nearby stations 21 °C Balasore:(161 km) Clear. (1 hour ago) 17 °C Jharsuguda:(285 km) Fog. (1 hour ago) 21 °C Calcutta / Dum Dum:(356 km) Fog. (1 hour ago) More weather in India
Weather and climate extremes hamper food production, farm-income, and overall well-being of the people living in India2,3,4,5,6. India experiences droughts that can lead to a prolonged period of water scarcity7,8. Droughts pose deleterious impacts on natural resources, crop production, and ...
Correlation between the weather conditions and COVID-19 in Jakarta, Indonesia and claimed essential findings in this direction. In the Indian perspective, COVID-19 investigation is very restricted, in particular, the impact of climate change on the COVID-19 pandemic. Undoubtedly the present study ...
This study analyzes and forecasts the long-term Spatio-temporal changes in rainfall using the data from 1901 to 2015 across India at meteorological divisional level. The Pettitt test was employed to detect the abrupt change point in time frame, while the
The frequency and distribution of dust storms in the Mongolian People′s Republic are mapped, showing highest activity in the Gobi desert and Great Lakes regions. The seasonality of dust storms (which occur largely in the spring) is controlled by ground surface conditions, the frequency of dust-...
Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and rising sea levels are just a few of the consequences of a changing climate. These changes are having a profound impact on land use, as the natural systems that support our planet are being pushed to their limits. One of the key drivers of ...
Regional climate has a great role in deciding the air quality and energy demand, and therefore, weather and climate have an indisputable role in its consumption and storage. Here, we present the changes in trace gases and associated regional weather in India during lockdown and unlock periods ...
Climate change has evidently already negatively affected India’s hundreds of millions of rice producers and consumers. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Similar content being viewed by others Climate Change and Rice Production in India: A Way...
Increased climate variability has led to more irregular weather, and thus a more acute need among farmers for advance warning about extremes weather events and advice on how to adapt to climate change in the medium to long-term (e.g. regarding cloudbursts, hailstorms, spread of pests, ...