Option Triggers Stop Target Index Contributor SGX Nifty FnO scanner Market news India Vix 22 POSITIONAL Gainer and Loser Manager Pair Trading Architect Open Interest IV PCR Trap Indicator BackTesting Rollover Participant Data Result Calendar
Due to various factors such as supply and demand, option Greeks like Delta, Theta, Vega, Gamma, VIX, and implied volatility can cause the option price to deviate from its fair value. Institutional traders often use specialized scanning tools to identify variations in option prices caused by fact...
• Stop & Target- Assists you in setting the optimum Target and Stop Loss on intraday trades • FnO Scanner- Identify the most active Futures & Options contracts calculated based on OI, price & IV • India VIX- Observe the historical data of Nifty v/s India VIX ...
The full-service model will charge a higher brokerage but comes with a host of services. For example, there is research, short-term calls, advisory desk, and advisors to help you if you get stuck in positions. These are some of the premium services that you will get when you opt for ...
• Stop & Target- Assists you in setting the optimum Target and Stop Loss on intraday trades • FnO Scanner- Identify the most active Futures & Options contracts calculated based on OI, price & IV • India VIX- Observe the historical data of Nifty v/s India VIX ...
• Stop & Target- Assists you in setting the optimum Target and Stop Loss on intraday trades • FnO Scanner- Identify the most active Futures & Options contracts calculated based on OI, price & IV • India VIX- Observe the historical data of Nifty v/s India VIX • SGX Nifty- Tra...
• Stop & Target- Assists you in setting the optimum Target and Stop Loss on intraday trades • FnO Scanner- Identify the most active Futures & Options contracts calculated based on OI, price & IV • India VIX- Observe the historical data of Nifty v/s India VIX • SGX Nifty- Tra...
• Stop & Target- Assists you in setting the optimum Target and Stop Loss on intraday trades • FnO Scanner- Identify the most active Futures & Options contracts calculated based on OI, price & IV • India VIX- Observe the historical data of Nifty v/s India VIX • SGX Nifty- Tra...
• Stop & Target- Assists you in setting the optimum Target and Stop Loss on intraday trades • FnO Scanner- Identify the most active Futures & Options contracts calculated based on OI, price & IV • India VIX- Observe the historical data of Nifty v/s India VIX ...
• Stop & Target- Assists you in setting the optimum Target and Stop Loss on intraday trades • FnO Scanner- Identify the most active Futures & Options contracts calculated based on OI, price & IV • India VIX- Observe the historical data of Nifty v/s India VIX • SGX Nifty- Tra...