(Placename) the 17 provinces of India formerly governed by the British under the British sovereign: ceased to exist in 1947 when the independent states of India and Pakistan were created Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994...
As business spreads across frontiers, the company that wants to move its executives around, and to promote the best of them, regardless of nationality, encourages the uses of English. So the executive who wants to be in the frame, or’ to move to another employer, learns to use it. ...
After the British left, English knowing people became more powerful and it became „a mask‟ for exploitation. It has become a monopoly of a small section of urban elites, who use it to show off and as a tool to establish their authority.There are different attitudes regarding the ...
(1610s as an adjective), reflecting Spanish and Portuguese use, on the mistaken notion that America was the eastern end of Asia (it was also used occasionally 18c.-19c. of inhabitants of the Philippines and indigenous peoples of Australia and New Zealand). The Old English adjective wasIn...
After the seizure of Delhi in 1803, the Great Moguls became puppets of the British East India Company. As a consequence of three Anglo-Marathi Wars (1775–1818) the English colonizers eliminated the state of the peshwas. Part of their territory was annexed, and certain principalities were ...
4.She speaks … ( + 语言) Annie England Annie. English. Annie. England. English. Make sentences: 1.This is ….(+ 人名) 2.He / She comes from… ( + 国家) 3.He’s/ She’s … ( + 国籍) 4.He/ She speaks … ( + 语言) ...
Download our compiled lists of idioms - perfect to use offline for reference or for use in class! 150 British English Idioms 100 American English Idioms 225 Animal Idioms e-Books For Teachers The latest e-books providing you with interactive classroom activities. Teaching C2 Proficiency: Interactive...
History of Growth and Reforms of British Military Administration in India, 1848-1949... Hemalatha, M.A., M.Phil. Language of Mass Media: A Study Based on Malayalam Broadcasts - A Doctoral Dissertation K. Parameswaran, Ph.D. Form and Function of Disorders in Verbal Narratives - A Doctoral...
English is not our first language. But, that has not stopped Indians from taking over the language and making it our own – whether that is by mixing Hindi words to develop “Hinglish” or the other extreme, using words that even native English speakers don’t use regularly. ...
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