(1997). Energy and CO2 emissions in India: Increasing trends and alarming portents. Energy Policy, 25 , 941–949.Srivastava, Leena (1997), "Energy and CO2 emissions in India: increasing trends and alarming portents" Energy Policy 25(11), 941-49....
Two, as renewable energy prices decline globally, a faster-than-expected transition from coal to renewable electricity is likely to lower CO2 emissions. The authors suggest that while India’s energy demand will invariably grow, the magnitude of growth is amenable to policy intervention. They high...
Total sector emissions of CO2 are aggregated from hourly emissions of all thermal generators. Emissions factors of CO2 for coal and gas-fired units are derived from the Ministry of Power46. Detailed description of emission factors and calculations of emissions for different scenarios are indicated in...
The potential and the costs of windfarm and small hydro power generation as a means of offsetting COemissions in India is discussed. Both the absolute and the incremental supply cost curves for COoffset are constructed. Of the two options, the use of wind electric generators in windfarms offer...
Transport CO2emissionsIndiaUrbanizationEconomic growthOil pricesIndia has one of the world's largest transport networks, with the dominant share being road transportation. India's transport sector consumes oil products for more than 95% of its energy needs and is a significant contributor to ...
Thermal power sector had a share of 51% in total CO2 emissions from all the sectors, followed by domestic, industrial and transport sectors having 27, 12 and 10% contributions, respectively. Share of thermal power sector in total SO2 emissions was 61%, followed by 24% from industrial, 10%...
Using total emission approach, the CO2emissions have been estimated to be about 38.02*105tons and 1135*105tons from LDD and HDD respectively till 2018. With respect to the present study, HDD have the maximum contribution of CxHy, NOxand CO in the atmosphere with values of 76.9%, 69.3% and...
However, on a district level, the total CO2 emission under the baseline scenario is highest for rice (140,655 Mt) followed by wheat (98,153 Mt) and sugarcane (18,416 Mt). Higher CO2 emissions from rice and wheat are due to more area under these crops. Results also indicate that CO2 ...
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) sponsored by AT&T has revealed that videoconferencing can cut CO2 emissions by nearly 5.5 million metric tons and can achieve total economy-wide financial benefits of almost $19 billion, by 2020 for enterprises59. As per Cisco, one of the leading solution ...
Hydrogen and CCS will be critical to tackling growing industrial emissions Under the ETS, India’s industrial CO2 emissions are set to surpass the power sector by the early 2040s, driven by the growth of steel, aluminum, petrochemical and cement sectors. Steel, whi...