Himalayan Region:India comprises the Himalayas in the North and Northeastern region, which divides the country from the Tibetan plateau. The Indian part of Himalayas covering an area about 5 lakh sq km (about 16.2% of country’s total geographical area) and forms the northern boundary of the c...
international boundaries with countries like Burma, Bangladesh, China, Bhutan, Pakistan and Nepal. The country covers a total area of 3,287,240 sq km. The shoreline of the country also extends for over 7,517 km, and it is edged by the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean....
Area total: 3,287,263 sq kmland: 2,973,193 sq kmwater: 314,070 sq kmcountry comparison to the world: 8 Area - comparative slightly more than one-third the size of the US Land boundaries total: 13,888 kmborder countries (6): Bangladesh 4142 km, Bhutan 659 km, Burma 1468 km,...
Kerala is one of the smallest States in India (38863 Sq km) covering merely 1.18% of the total area of the country and is situated between 8018' and 12048'N latitude and 740 52' and 770 22'E longitude. Kerala has 3.44% of India's population; at 819 persons per square km. Because ...
with a total geographic area of 3,287,590 sq km divide by 2,973,190 sq km of land and 314,400 sq km of water.India is located within the Indian Subcontinent in South AsiaIndia is bordered by Pakistan to the West, China and Nepal to the north, Bangladesh and Burma to the EastIndia...
which shows his love towards Kashmir. It was built for his wife. This beautiful garden has four terraces, each one on one above. The total area of garden is about 539 m by 182 m. In the middle of the garden runs a canal which is lined with polished shinning stones having running ...
Parking Area Well Lit Smoke Alarm in Rooms Sprinkler in Rooms Uniformed Security Valet Parking Service Surveillance Cameras On Site Event Space Total number of meeting rooms 3 Total event space 27,203 sq ft Total meeting room capacity 3 meeting rooms holding 350 people ...
The total standing crop of seaweeds from Intertidal and shallow waters of all maritime states and Lakshadweep Islands was estimated as 91339 tons (wet WI.) The quantity of seaweeds growing in deep waters ofTamiJ Nadu was estimated as 75372 tons (wet wt) in an area of 1863 sq km from ...
Bihar is one of the most important Eastern states of India. The state lays between 25°8' & 27°31' North Latitude and 83°20' & 88°17' East Longitude occupying an area of 94,163 sq. km. The average elevation of the state is 173 feet above the sea level. North of it lies Nepa...
Dholera, with a total footprint of over 920 sq km and developable area of 540 sq km is the country's largest upcoming green city...L&T to construct 10 MLD sewage treatment plant in DMIC Dholera 16th Oct 2016 Source by www.business-standard.com/ Work is expected to begin soon on a Sew...