Indore is 15 hours ahead of GMT-9:30 (UTC-9:30) UTC-9:30 to Indore time Indore time to UTC-9:30 Time to convert: convert UTC-9:30: Wednesday 8:40 am Indore: Wednesday 11:40 pmHow to convert UTC-9:30 to Indore time? To convert time between UTC-9:30 and Indore, we ...
Greenwich Mean Time is 5 hours, 30 minutes behind India Standard Time Greenwich Mean Time (GMT / UTC): Thursday 12:55 am India Standard Time (IST): Thursday 6:25 am GMT / UTC ↔India Standard Time 12 am GMT / UTC is 5:30 am India Standard Time 1...
印度 卡纳塔克 班加罗尔 当地时间 首页>世界时间 世界时间 (搜索时,可以输入地区的中文或英文名) 读取中... 地区印度 卡纳塔克 班加罗尔 Bangalore , Karnataka , India 时区UTC/GMT +5.5 小时 和北京时差晚 2.5 小时 纬度12°58'_北 经度77°34'_东
便民查询网 首页>世界时间 世界时间 (搜索时,可以输入地区的中文或英文名) 读取中... 地区印度 泰米尔纳德 Thoothukudi Thoothukudi , Tamil Nadu , India 时区UTC/GMT +5.5 小时 和北京时差晚 2.5 小时 纬度8°48'_北 经度78°07'_东 世界位置
The local time for the SC is Beijing time (UTC + 8:00), and the local time for the NI is India standard time (UTC + 5:30). The red and black dotted lines show the averaged sunrise time and the sunset time for the NI and SC regions, respectively. Full size image The ...
All Winodws Azure data centers workdwide use UTC time. If you wish to display time to users in a different timezone you will have to convery from UTC time to the time in that region. Regards, Alan If you found this an...
Timezone Asia/Kolkata Current Offset UTC/GMT +6 hour(s) Difference 5 hour(s) ahead Daylight Saving Time is not being used in Mumbai Time Overview Sunrise 06:54:59 Sunset 18:45:09 Daylight Time 11 hours, 50 minutes Moonrise 10:40:09 Moonset 00:24:14 Night Tim...
The CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, CSIR-NPL (the National Measurement Institute, NMI, of India and custodian of Indian Standard Time, IST) proposes an implementable solution that puts the country in two time zones: (i) IST-I (UTC 5 :...
Moon 99.3%, Full Moon Indian Standard Time (IST), UTC+5:30 Time difference, hrs. Beijing 2.5 Thursday, 13 1 8 2 0 London -5.5 Thursday, 13 1 0 2 0 New York -9.5 Thursday, 13 0 6 2 0 Tokyo 3.5 Thursday, 13 1 9 2 0 Compare other Time Zones Holidays...
Furthermore, for examining the current meteorological conditions, ERA-Interim global analysis data at noon ( accessed on February 2016) spa- tial resolution of 0.25◦ UTC is used from ECMWF, and for this reason, considered the climatic variables like wind field,...