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Figure4shows the percentage change in annual air quality impacts due to burning achieved by a 1% reduction in emissions from burning (hereafter the efficacy of reducing burning) in each state or district during two burning seasons averaged over 2003–2019. Specifically, during post-monsoon season,...
The state wise poverty share of India as per the the World Bank report titled "Indian State Brief" gives us the following information. Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh have higher share among the poor of India than among the population and that is the ...
District-wise monsoon (June - September) rainfall trends over Konkan-Goa and Marathwada meteorological subdivisions of India were analyzed in this study using rainfall data for the period 1951-2018. Mean monsoon rainfall is the highest over Konkan-Goa and the lowest over the Marathwada subdivision...
Each agro-eco-sub-region has further been classified into agro-eco-units at the district level for developing long term land use strategies (Gajbhiye and Mandal, 2006). The share of agriculture in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 17.9 per cent in 2014-15 (
3. Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj has said the Hindu scripture Bhagwad Gita must be declared a “national scripture.” Another BJP politician, Manohar Lal Khattar, the chief minister of the northern Haryana state has said Bhagwad Gita is considered more important than India’s secular Constitution...
Gridded 1 km × 1 km emission inventory for paddy stubble burning emissions over north-west India constrained by measured emission factors of 77 VOCs and district-wise crop yield data. Sci. Total Environ. 789, 148064 (2021). 17. HEI. Health Effects Institute. Air Quality and Health in ...
Tea industry has urged the government to come up with schemes to help increase tea exports from India and give financial support to set up tea lounges to promote tea drinking in the country in the upcoming budget. They have also said that the Budget should introduce new objectives so that ...
BRO has commenced work of erecting the border fencing along the India-Myanmar border in the general area of Moreh in Tengnoupal district, PRO Defence Kohima told PTI over the phone. Work has just commenced... Things are being done a phase-wise. Only when the project reaches a substantial...