There can be measurement error in nightlight and nighttime light inequality computed from the shapefile. However, we view this as a preliminary attempt to provide the use of nighttime light inequality in measuring developmental outcomes. Theoretically, the nighttime inequality computed for nearby polygons...
The shapefile for Indian district boundary map is obtained from (last accessed: 22 July 2023) and the plot is generated using QGIS ( in the Punjab region and at some ...
Read a shapefile of US states into the workspace as a geospatial table. The table represents the states using polygon shapes in geographic coordinates. Extract the table row representing Alaska. Get states = readgeotable("usastatehi.shp"); alaska = states(states.Name == "Alaska",:); Create...
(courtesy- Digital Elevation Model (DEM) download from NASA Earth Data at; Naradu glacier shapefile digitized manually on Landsat 8 image acquired from USGS dated 19 September 2019). Full size image Uncertainties of mass...
Shapefile Not slum H14 852,094 20,057,609 20,909,703 Total H14 4,330,747 21,518,482 Table A.2. Effect of lockdown (relative to baseline) on mobility. Empty Cell123456 Estimation methodOLSOLS with rand. effectsQuantileOLSOLS with rand. effectsQuantile Dep. VariableUnique locationsUnique ...
Due to discrepancies in boundary profiles in the shapefile downloaded from DIVA GIS, tehsil and block boundaries on the PDF maps did not match perfectly with the boundaries shown on the shapefile. Conclusions This project allowed CGHR to create village point shapefiles for three states in India....
A separate PF shapefile was generated based on a subset of the GLU layer, which included only park and forest polygons. Mean values of NDVI, TC, and the proportion of GLU, and separately PF, were calculated for 25, 50, 100, and 250 m radii around personal GPS coordinates. 2.5. ...
Once area and population density attributes were obtained in a single shapefile, these two were multiplied together to get the population for every node. Later, this population was multiplied by 155 [135+15% unaccounted for water (UAW)] liter per capita per day (LPCD) of water to get per...
The administrative boundary shapefile for northern India is available at the GADM website ( Full size image In the NI region, the PAE is larger than 30% in autumn and winter, although the AE is the largest in spring and autumn. Similar as the SC...
daily mean MERRA-2 AOD and meteorological parameters obtained from GES DISC originally stored in NetCDF; and land cover classification gridded maps obtained from ECMWF. Additionally, the road map of Madhya Pradesh was in a shapefile format. A brief description of these datasets and their source ...