Land-cover and road-density data Shapefile for the major roadways map for India was obtained from This shapefile was then clipped to match the state boundaries of MP. The density of the road network in a grid cell was obtained by dividing the length of roads in a...
A separate PF shapefile was generated based on a subset of the GLU layer, which included only park and forest polygons. Mean values of NDVI, TC, and the proportion of GLU, and separately PF, were calculated for 25, 50, 100, and 250 m radii around personal GPS coordinates. 2.5. ...
Once area and population density attributes were obtained in a single shapefile, these two were multiplied together to get the population for every node. Later, this population was multiplied by 155 [135+15% unaccounted for water (UAW)] liter per capita per day (LPCD) of water to get per...