#40 Ranking 20.9Score See all of the Best Countries for Quality of Life. Score Attributes A good job market 30.1 Affordable 98.4 Economically stable 11.7 Family-friendly 12.5 Income equality 1.5 Politically stable 13.0 Safe 3.5 Well-developed public education system 4.3 Well-developed pu...
Not away from the headlines of laudatory mentions on growth is the story of a per capita income that keeps a majority of Indians away from the benefits of the claimed growth success. Coupled with a pervasive joblessness that shows up in events that are eye-popping, like the stampedes when ...
Ranking of leading celebrities across India in 2023, by brand value(in million U.S. dollars) Records: You need aStatista Accountfor unlimited access Immediate access to 1m+ statistics Incl. source references Download as PNG, PDF, XLS, PPT ...
By 2011-12, this figure had risen to Rs 1,00,314 and is projected to reach Rs 2,46,178 in 2023-24. In contrast, Chhattisgarhs per capita income started at Rs 12,170 and rose to Rs 1,47,361 by 2023-24. Meanwhile, Jharkhands per capita income began at Rs 11,034, increasing to...
100. India’s GDP in 2075 is projected at $52.5 trillion and per capita GDP at $31,300. Bangladesh is projected to be a $6.3 trillion economy with per capita income of $31,000. By 2075, China will be the top global economy, followed by India 2nd, US 3rd, Indonesia 4th, Nigeria ...
The study findings are analogues with the existing literature inferring that individuals with high per capita income and literacy rate are more vulnerable to diabetes because of sedentary lifestyle and low physical exercise [28, 29]. The results of the study report that median annual cost-of-...
Notes: Notes: A case is defined as the Gini for a given year, country area (rural, urban, or total), sharing unit, equivalence scale (per capita, equivalent scale, unadjusted), and resource (income or consumption).The ratio is Gini in income divided by Gini in consumption. * Cases with...
The cities that have ranked in the top three at least twice in the last three years (2021-2023) have made the cut. There are 12 cities in the Super Swachh League. Moving forward, the top three ranking cities in each population category will enter the league for the subsequent years. U...
Neoliberal policies in emerging markets like India have spurred economic growth in last few decades. However, the gains from this rapid growth have been heavily skewed in favor of the rich. The rich have gotten richer while the poor have languished. The average per capita income in India has...
The per capita income is low, and the people consider that the cost of renewables might be high and they might not be able to use renewables. The storage system increases the cost of renewables, and people believe it too costly and are not ready to use them. The environmental benefits of...