Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, MP Board, Telangana Board etc NCERT solutions for...
Nine out of 10 members in parliament are Hindus, who make up 80 percent of India’s population of 1.4 billion. The political representation of Muslims at the state level is only slightly better. India has more than 4,000 lawmakers in state legislatures across 28 states and Muslim lawmakers...
ranging from Negritto and Mongoloid to Dravidian and Nordic Aryan. While the majority of the population (over 82%) identify themselves as Hindu, India is home to the world's second largest Muslim population (over 95 million, 11% of the total), and large numbers of Christians (over 18 mill...
However, 12 percent of Indians are Muslim, a fact that makes this one of the largest Islamic nations in the world. The next largest religious category is Christians, who make up only over 2 percent of the population and are closely followed in number by Sikhs. The only other groups of ...
Recent communal clashes in several parts of India have been followed by demolition drives, with critics noting they appeared to be designed to intimidate India’s Muslim population. Earlier this month several homes and shops were torn down in the central state of Madhya Pradesh and western Gujarat...
Tarek Fatah, Canadian Muslim writer and broadcaster, andRiaz Haq, a Pakistani-American blogger, debate the following: In a 2013 interview with Times of India, Tarek Fatah said, “Pakistan will soon disintegrate”. Is this a prediction or a wish? Why is he such a strong and vocal supporter...
He then draws the design and drafts in onto graph paper, line by line, it is so mathematical. Then the wool is woven and died according to his notes which are handwritten for each line of the design of the rug! One line can be done in a week, not any faster, and then once it ...
An eviction drive in India’s northeastern state of Assam of residents living on government-owned land has heightened insecurities among the state’s Muslim population according to rights activists.The evictions being carried out in the remote state came
Kozhikode, city, northern Kerala state, southwestern India. It is situated on the Malabar Coast, 414 miles (666 km) west-southwest of Chennai (Madras) by rail. Kozhikode was once a famous cotton-weaving center, and it is remembered as the place of origin
India's other missile, the "Prithvi" (earth), which uses a liquid-propelled motor to carry a one-ton payload 150 miles, resembles the widely sold Soviet Scud-B. Indian sources say that the Agni's second stage is a shortened version of the Prithvi, according to Gary Milhollin of theWisc...