India, officially the Republic of India (also called Bharat), is a country located in Southern part of Asia Continent. It is the 2nd most populous country, the 7th-largest country by land area. Its borders with Pakistan to the west, China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the north-east and Burma...
The Indo-Gangetic Plain:The Indo-Gangetic Plain is also known as the Great Plains or the North Indian River Plain, is dominated by three major rivers - theGanges, the Indus and the Brahmaputra. It cover a large area of about 7,00,000 sq km in the Northern and Eastern India, the most...
Area wise in the world7th Location8°4' and 37°6' north latitude and 68°7' and 97°25' east longitude Stretch3,214 Kilometers from north to south 2,933 Kilometers from east to west Land Frontier15,200 km Coastline7516.5 km
per year. About 10 000 people constantly live in the town. Daily walks down the street with an umbrella or raincoat become a commonplace for them. The town has a large cement factory, and there are several industrial centers for the extraction of coal and limestone in the surrounding area....
Other attributes like sound availability of vacant land in the railway station premise also contribute to the high railway heritage tourism potential of the railway station to produce a certain cityscape around its location, which will substantially contribute to the...
international boundaries with countries like Burma, Bangladesh, China, Bhutan, Pakistan and Nepal. The country covers a total area of 3,287,240 sq km. The shoreline of the country also extends for over 7,517 km, and it is edged by the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean....
India, which has nearly 30 % of global annualized irrigated areas (AIAs), and is the leading irrigated area country in the World, along with China, was chosen for the study. Irrigated areas were derived for nominal year 2000 using time-series remote sensing at two spatial resolutions: (a)...
距离市中心: 8.00 Km 前往机场需时(分钟): 50 酒店住宿详情 无烟客房/楼层: no 酒吧/休息室总数: 1 楼层总数: 2 餐厅总数: 3 客房电压(伏特): 220 建成年份: 2009 住宿通知 可为预订含“Getaway Your Way”或“Rediscover Goa”房型的客人提供机场接送服务和餐厅,以及可使用住宿的设施和网络服务。详情请...
The outer boundary of this segment was marked in a way that the land is covered up to 1 km stretch along both the sides of the road. The following are the four segments which are classified and digitized using the Geospatial software called Google Earth Pro [34,35,36]. The process of ...
reported from the study area, belong to the Rosaceae and Asteraceae families, each contributing 12 plant species, followed by the Lamiaceae family with 6 plant species. The most used part of the plant in the preparation of herbal medications is the leaves, which have been reported in 62 plants...