When Abha Dawesar's second novel Babyji was published in 2005, it was celebrated for its joyous depiction of love and sex between women. What has passed largely unnoticed, however, is the ways in which its representation of same-sex love is intimately tied to discourses of power. From the...
An Indian gift is a proverbial expression, signifying a present for which an equivalent return is expected. [Thomas Hutchinson, "History of Massachusetts Bay," 1765] HenceIndian giver"one who gives a gift and then asks for it back" (1848). Also compareIndian summer.Indian elephantis from c...
China and the countries of the South Asian subcontinent are connected by mountains and rivers that serve as the geographical basis for building a community of shared future and promoting interconnectivity. Age-old cultural exchange and...
India is a subcontinent because it is cut off from the rest of Asia. Mountains, jungles, and the Indian Ocean form barriers that make India a world apart—a subcontinent. 印度是次大陆,因为它与亚洲其他地区隔绝。 山脉,丛林和印度洋形成了障碍,使印度与世界分开了,成为一个次大陆。 India’s neigh...
The Republic of India, abbreviated as India, is the biggest country in the subcontinent of South Asia, bordering Bangladesh, Myanmar, the People’s Republic of China, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan. Ancient Indians created a glorious and advanced civilization. As one of the ancient civilizations, Ind...
India - Himalayas, Subcontinent, Diversity: The Himalayas (from the Sanskrit words hima, “snow,” and alaya, “abode”), the loftiest mountain system in the world, form the northern limit of India. That great, geologically young mountain arc is about 1,
The end of British colonial rule birthed two sovereign nations—but hastily drawn borders caused simmering tensions to boil over. 75 years later, memories of Partition still haunt survivors.
CuisineofIndiaFoodisanimportantpartofIndianculture,playingaroleineverydaylifeaswellasinfestivals.Indiancuisinevariesfromregiontoregion,reflectingthevarieddemographicsoftheethnicallydiversesubcontinent.Generally,Indiancuisinecanbesplitintofivecategories:North,South,East,WestIndiaandNorth-easternIndia. WhentheIndianseatamong...
This is evident from strong endemicity of ammonite species assemblages of the northwest and southern Indian subcontinent, which constitute the most diverse communities known. 展开 关键词: Late Cretaceous Ammonite Placenticeras kaffrarium Gondwana Indian plate tectonic drift ...
The terrain encountered during a hiking odyssey in subcontinent-sized India is as diverse as the cultural fabric that weaves this extraordinary nation together. Here, one can encounter towering peaks of the formidable Himalayas and undulating plains that whisper tales of ancient civilization in the nor...