India is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of area. It is the biggest country in Southern Asia, which covers an area about one-third the size of Europe. The Indian subcontinent is surrounded by three different water bodies and is easily recognisable on the world map. The m...
communications code word In·diaˈin-dē-ə —used as a code word for the letteri Word History First Known Use 1952, in the meaning definedabove Time Traveler The first known use ofIndiawas in 1952 See more words from the same year ...
India,countrythat occupies the greater part ofSouth Asia. It is made up of 28 states and eightunion territories, and its national capital isNew Delhi, built in the 20th century just south of the historic hub of Old Delhi to serve as India’s administrative center. Its government is aconstit...
otherworldly sadhus, and Brahmin grandees during intentpujain the holiest waters in creation. And only a few miles from Varanasi is one of the four most cherished Buddhist pilgrimage sites, Sarnath, the very place where Gautama Buddha delivered his first sermon, explicating the Four Noble Truths ...
India is part of the continent of Asia. Most of India forms a peninsula, which means it is surrounded by water on three sides.
Mizoram (“Land of the Mizos”) was known as the Lushai Hills District of Assam before it was renamed the Mizo Hills District in 1954. In 1972 it became a centrally administered union territory under the name of Mizoram, and in 1987 it achieved statehood. Area 8,139 square miles (21,...
“印度次大陆,喜马拉雅山以南的中亚地区”,曾经通常用于指代“亚洲”;自1947年起,特指印度共和国,古英语 India, Indea,源自拉丁语 India,源自希腊语 India,“印度河地区”,后用于指代印度河以外的地区,源自 Indos,“印度河”,也指“印度人”,源自古波斯语 Hindu,指信德省,源自梵语 sindhu,“河流”。 更常见...
India is located in the south of the Asian continent, bordering the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. The country is slightly more than one-third the size of the United States. The country's territory is measured at nearly 3.3 million square kilometers (1.3 million square miles) extending...
1. Japan, India and Thailand are all in Asia2. The country covers only 179 squaremiles.3. The river is not deep,so you can walkthrough it.4. To a chievehis dream, my brother workshard every day.5. Before setting off, they asked about the weatherC ondition6. China has a larger ...
The main east-west axis of New Delhi is Central Vista Park, which is flanked by government buildings, museums, and research centres in a parklike setting. The city is governed by the appointed New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC). Area city, 16.5 square miles (42.7 square km). Pop (2001...